The sheep and the Golden Crow

…would be a great name for a story book! The merchandise has just been made and was inspired by my friend over the hill – Hazel, who suggested the combo in an FB comment. You often see birds settled on sheep backs. I suppose it’s a handy vantage point with the added bonus of warm…

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Crafting your words

“A beautiful spirit has flown and is watching over you”   These were the words I was asked to apply to a Pied Wagtail lampshade by a customer whose friend, I presume, has lost a loved one. It is interesting to apply a set of words to an image I’ve created, changing the tone and…

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You either love them, or you HATE them. Having made and sold them for 13 years I think I can safely say that the majority of women and house proud/gay men would place themselves in camp 1 while a mighty blast of blokes would stride cocksure into camp 2. This includes my husband who can…

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Coft Critters

The first batch of new designs more or less complete with the absence cows (hopefully to emerge today) and  another sheep design which I had better shove on fabric if only to purge it from my mind. That involves gold leaf of all things, but still waiting for the arrival of “size” (i.e.e glue). A…

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Critters a la Mogwaii

A new Mogwaii range is emerging of our croft critters. I’ve been having fun combining fabric with sketch to give them their final garb. I muse as I’m sure all designers do as to whether all will find stripes dots and certain colour combinations as compelling or humorous as I do. Are there some colour…

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Sheep thoughts

An early start and a mucky, late evening gathering and preparing the hoggets for their final and only journey off the croft to the slaughterhouse on Mull. We can only hope that their year and three quarters of herb rich, mineral licking,  island roaming has been good for them and that their end will be…

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Adventures in silly!

Despite knowing how financially sound it would be – I just can’t bring myself to design products with “normal” highland critters. Has it got something to do with studying ART? Or perhaps studying art at an institution which pressed all students to flaunt controversy, scorn the norm and expect to project “meaning” in anything and…

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After a glut of rich food, socialising and an absence of schedule I find myself craving  hunger and a plan going forward. Yesterday I downloaded a free mind mapping app and a monstrous mandala of order emerged with coloured branches of focus and tiny twigs of how to’s. Let’s hope my resolve to refer to…

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